Positive energy in ‘Fast Forward Your Business’ by Entrepreneurs Institute with Roger James Hamilton.
Go..go entrepreneurs!! 😎

Banyak idea dan ilmu baru tengah ‘menggelegak’ dalam minda!
Bersama crowd positif ‘Fast Forward Business’ ini, rasa excited + nervous nak bersama hampir 400 networking di Simposium Tutor Profesional Malaysia#STPM2016 nanti.
Seat dah tak banyak tinggal.
Kalau belum daftar, boleh daftar di
“History will be kind to whom intend to write it.” Winston Churchill
Design your own history & legacy!
Ini buku dan modul Roger James Hamilton.
Anda usahawan??
Nak kenali potensi diri dan team supaya boleh capai matlamat?
Anda perlu tahu benda ini.
Ini serius 😎
Boleh lihat video ini..
Meet my new friend Pete 😃
He is an educator, who teaches special students such as homeless, adopted child and many others special students.
Our purpose is same which to deliver creative, fun and innovative techniques of teaching.
Looking forward to work together to add values in education and learning area😃